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Engage with your suppliers

Finally, we help you get your suppliers involved in calculating, reducing and reporting their carbon footprint to you.

1. Supplier workshops

First we help you plan and (if you want us to) facilitate workshops with your suppliers to help them understand the contribution they make to your emissions, confirm their position on their own carbon journey and get their buy in to an annual carbon data collection survey. These workshops may involve a physical meeting or may be run online, as required.

If you have a large number of suppliers, we may recommend running several workshops, each with a slightly different focus based on their willingness to engage.

All the workshops will contain elements of all 5 ADKAR steps but the focus will depend on the participants willingness to engage:

For unengaged suppliers

ü Focus on building their Desire to get involved in carbon reduction

For suppliers willing to engage

ü Focus on building their Knowledge of how to calculate and reduce carbon and their Ability to apply that knowledge

For suppliers already engaged

ü Focus on Reinforcing, recognising and rewarding the work they have already done and encouraging them to continue.

2. Supplier Data Strategy

Then we help you define a strategy to get each of your suppliers measuring, reducing and reporting their carbon footprint.

We offer a a comprehensive set of services depending on where each of your suppliers are on their own carbon journey:

Carbon footprint Reporting service

  • For suppliers who have had their own emissions 3rd-party calculated or verified:

ü They can confidentially report their carbon numbers to improve your carbon footprint calculation.

    Carbon footprint Verification service

    • For suppliers who have calculated their own emissions and set their own targets:

    ü We can check the methodology used and calculations performed conform to the GHG protocol standard.

    ü This will improve your confidence in their results

        Carbon footprint Calculation service

        • For suppliers who have not yet calculated their own emissions:

        ü We can help your suppliers start measuring their carbon footprint and write a Carbon Reduction Plan, that will reduce your own footprint.

        ü Alternatively they can get discounted membership of our Road to Net Zero programme.

        ü Your supplier’s numbers can then be used to improve your carbon footprint calculation.

        3. Supplier Data Collection

        We make it easy for your suppliers to report their emissions to improve your carbon footprint calculation:

        ü If we do the calculation or verify their own calculation: it will be automatically included.

        ü If they or a 3rd-party does the calculation: we will send an annual data collection survey, via our secure online portal, to your participating suppliers.

        Supplier Impacts Dashboard

        We create an impacts dashboard to allow you to monitor your stakeholder engagement activities:

        ü Track the progress of your engagement plan with your suppliers.

        ü Track your supplier’s progress though the Calculate-Plan-Act cycle.

        Next steps

        Send us a message, book a chat or sign-up now to discuss how we can help you start your carbon journey.

        © Go Climate Positive Limited

        21 Naunton Lane, Cheltenham, Gloucs, UK GL53 7BJ

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