My Family Legacy

is Carbon Neutral

This means we did not add to global warming in the year of certification as we saved the same amount of greenhouse gas emissions as we produced.

This has been independently validated by "Go Climate Positive".

About us

At My Family Legacy, we believe that the greatest legacy we can leave our loved ones is the gift of financial certainty. It has the ability to unite a family, by bringing a sense of shared control, transparency, love and concern and enables everyone to be assured of a secure and carefree future, safe in the knowledge that the best decisions have already been made.

We are will writing specialists and we offer open and honest advice around wills, will writing, lasting power of attorney, trusts and funeral plans.


We are committed to reducing our Carbon Footprint by:

1: Reducing our combined emissions from energy use by 5% year on year

2: Investigating replacing boiler with low carbon emission version

3: Investigating replacing diesel car with Hybrid or Electric Car


Our Net Emissions is the total amount of greenhouse gases we produced in the year once the amount we saved has been taken into account.

Net Emissions



Carbon Footprint

This is the total amount of greenhouse gases we produced in the year.

Actual Emissions



Equivalent to


flights London-New York

Carbon Handprint

This is the total amount of greenhouse gases we saved in the year.

Offsets Purchased



Emissions Avoided




Our benchmarks allow us to compare our emissions with the average amount that other organisations in our industry sector produce.

Emissions per £m revenue


kgCO2e per customer

Sector Comparison




This chart shows how our emissions have changed over the last 5 years.


We are providing efficient cook stoves in Malawi

We have invested in a carefully selected range of offsetting projects, like this one that is making childhood safer, creating jobs and saving firewood in Malawi by providing efficient cookstoves.

Exposure to indoor cooking smoke is the world’s leading killer of children under five and is reported to be responsible for around four million deaths per year. In addition, Malawi alone loses 2,000km2 of forest a year due to 93% of the country’s energy demand coming from wood fuel. 91% of rural households use traditional three-stone stoves that use a lot of wood, produce prodigious smoke and cook food relatively slowly.

All projects in this portfolio are Gold Standard Certified

We are reducing our energy use and mileage

We have committed to reducing our energy use and by 5% year on year.

We are investigating the best way to do this including looking at low-emission boilers and electric vehicles.

‘Go Climate Positive’ is a membership programme that makes it easy for businesses to calculate, reduce and offset their carbon emissions. It is designed to adhere to the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard and Corporate Value Chain Standard.

Click here to learn more

© Go Climate Positive Limited

21 Naunton Lane, Cheltenham, Gloucs, UK GL53 7BJ

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